I’m not a professional nutritionist, decorator, fitness instructor, doctor, lawyer, or pretty much anything else (except web developer, I’m pretty good at that). I’m just a girl trying to figure shit out. Anything you read here is stuff I tried on my own, likely by hacking away at it until I made it work the way I wanted it to – I’m stubborn that way. So, it’s entirely possible that it won’t work the same way for you, so use the information you find here at your own risk. And if it does work? Awesome!
I may use affiliate links throughout this site. These links may not be identified in the post, but they will all be for products or sites on which I would shop myself. By clicking one of these links, I will get a few pennies to help me pay for the running of this site. I will not get any kind of record of who clicked the link or what you bought when you got there, so your privacy is safe. (So go on with your bad self and buy your Snuggie… no one will know about it.)
All that said, I am the legal copyright holder of all written, multimedia and graphic material provided on this website (unless otherwise credited) and it may not be used, reprinted, modified, or published without my written consent. If you find an article or image you just have to share, it must include a link to putdownthecandy.com. Articles may not be copied in their entirety, please provide a brief excerpt and a link back to the original post.
I reserve the right to edit and/or delete comments if they’re too spammy, self-promotion-ey, or a little more swear-ey than I’m cool with. And because this drives me crazy, don’t go posting your site’s URL in your comment. There’s already a link to it, so I’ll delete the second link if you do this. This is my playground, so play nice.
Any personal and/or contact information provided to me will be kept private. I hate spammers as much as you do, so I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening. I won’t be adding you to my Christmas Card list (I don’t even send cards to my own family), I won’t be standing outside your window holding a boom box, and I won’t sell or disclose your information to any other company.